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Cultural heritage encountered on the street | Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, World Heritage

There are many of the cultural assets including Goyang Kawaji rice seed with 5020 years of history, Bukhansan Mountain with global reputation, and Seoreung and Seosamreung as global cultural heritrages. Here is an opportunity to see precious cultural assets that you have missed in the beautiful natural environment in Goyang.
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Meet the cultural heritage of Goyang


Tomb of Queen Jungsung with last name Seo as a wife of Youngjo, Hongreung

As a tomb for the wife of Youngjo, queen Jungsung (1692 1757), Youngju liked her so much when he was alive that her tomb was located to his along with the stons inscribed with cross.

However, his grandson, Jungso, located his grandfather’s tomb in Wonreung in Donggu-reung, Guri-si, and the right side of the tomb of Seo ended up being left as an empty space forever.