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Goyang's History of Independence Movement


The deep-rooted tree wouldn’t be shaken by the wind and deep well water wouldn’t get dry during drought. Now, Goyang-si became a major city of one million citizens and the city has gone through miraculous changes. Such Goyang-si would have roots. Therefore, Goyang Branch of Korea Liberation Association has been promoting the publish of ‘Goyang’s History of Independence Movement’ to find the root of Goyang-si. Through the publishing, we tried to remember the sorrow and pains of people without nation, blood and sweat for freedom and liberation, and fearless devotion and sacrifice of our patriotic martyrs. In large, we wanted to keep in mind that our people got stronger in the bellows of hardship and accomplished the Miracle on the Han River. Such efforts have brought the publish of ’Goyang’s History of Independence Movement’. Looking back, Korea got invaded by Japanese imperialism about 100 years ago and lost national power and suffered from the colonial rule. Such period was the biggest tragedy in 5000 years of history. However, the misfortune and suffering of the Korean people became the pain of Asia and resulted in pain of the whole world. The Korean people continuously fought against Japanese imperialism for over half a century. Such struggle was for the independence of Korea and for the world peace. It was a grand drama. The fearless courage was the greatest deed and the countless sacrifices for the independence were noble. ‘Goyang’s History of Independence Movement’ indicates that Goyang-si citizens were one of the proud leading people in the great lines. Intense and noble minds of Goyang-si citizens are well expressed in following fields. National Debt Redemption Movement for paying national debt, forces fighting against modern machine gun with old matchlock, independence army and patriotic struggle at Manchuria and Chinese jurisdiction, contact with provisional government and March First Independence Movement, domestic youth movement, labor movement, peasant movement, and night school student’s movement. I would like to express my gratitude for Goyang-si mayor, Choi Sung and Goyang-si officers for their active cooperation support in national spirit enhancement business promoted by Korea Liberation Association. It wouldn’t have been possible without their help and support. I also would like to thank Dr. Jungeun Lee for the sincere work. I also feel sorry for the former branch president, Gukbum Han who has been planning and wishing this business for many years. Unfortunately, he passed away before the publishing of this book. May he rest in peace.

Goyang Branch of Korea Liberation Association

President of Branch, Yongdan Kim