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Cultural heritage encountered on the street | Wondang Province, The center of Goyang

There are many of the cultural assets including Goyang Kawaji rice seed with 5020 years of history, Bukhansan Mountain with global reputation, and Seoreung and Seosamreung as global cultural heritrages. Here is an opportunity to see precious cultural assets that you have missed in the beautiful natural environment in Goyang.
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Meet the cultural heritage of Goyang


Janguijung, Hyojajungryugak

Tomb of Janguijung, Jungryu, and Hyojamoon are located at the hill behind the restaurant street on the entrance of Wangrerunggol, Wondang-dong, Deokyang-gu. Janguijung Hyojajungryogak is the one and only Confucian relic that is left with Jungryugak and Hyojajunggryu door. Jungryu has been partially re-constructed due to the damage as a gable roofed house in the form of Korean traditional house in the past, and the size of it is two rooms on the front that preserve ancestral tablets and utensils used for ritual ceremony. There is a phrase, 孝子學生 長宜中之閭, in Jungryu. Board of Jungryu door is in red color that there are total eight Hongsals. Hyojamun is supported by steel wires connected from Jungryu. Janguijung is a filial son in the late Joseon Dynasty. As his story was diffused how he cut his finger to cure his mother, he was granted with Jungryu and Hyojamun from Gojong in 1905. There is a tomb of him 30m behind Jungryumun.