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Cultural heritage encountered on the street | Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, World Heritage

There are many of the cultural assets including Goyang Kawaji rice seed with 5020 years of history, Bukhansan Mountain with global reputation, and Seoreung and Seosamreung as global cultural heritrages. Here is an opportunity to see precious cultural assets that you have missed in the beautiful natural environment in Goyang.
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Meet the cultural heritage of Goyang


Tomb of Sukjong and the queen, Inhyun, Myungreung

Tomb for the wife of the 19th king, Sukjong, Queen Inhyun, and the second wife, Queen Inwon (Ikreung for tomb of queen Inkyung with the last name Kim) At the age of 14, Sukjong was reigned for the 45 years. During the reign of King Sukjong, the struggle intensified between political parties, people from the south and west, and old doctrines and opinions from private sectors. However, Sukjong performed the Daedeungbub making more accomplishments with Sangpyeongtongbo to support the commercial activities. In 1711, he rebuilt Bukhansan Fortress and made a present appearance as a king who established the administrative palace of Bukhansan Mountain.

Queen Inhyun (1667-1700) with the last name Min was the second wife of Sukjong who succeeded the Queen Ingyung. She lost the position of queen by Hui Bin Chang for having no son-in-law but had it reinstated as those from ordinary citizens had power after Gapsulhwangook. However, she ended up passing away due to deteriorated health conditions in 7 years. There is a story that she died because of the curse from Hui Bin Chang.

Because of this, Hui Bin Chang died. Queen Inwon (1687-1757) was the second wife of Sukjong and a daughter of Jushin Kim, the Gyungeunbuwongun. Tomb of the queen Inwon was originally located on the hill away from Myungreung for about 400 steps. However, Youngjo relocated it to the current position.

In reference, the tomb of Jushin Kim, the father of queen Inwon, and Sindobi are located at Daeja-dong, Deokgyang-gu, Goyang-si.

Myungreung is relevant to the textbook of Joseon royal tombs in the latter period of Joseon Dynasty.

Chamdo, Chungjagak, stoneworks in the unique shape, twin tombs, distribution of Dongwonigang type, and principles of restoration of original shape are well preserved in these cultural assets. Located at the entrance of Seoreung, this place represents royal tombs around this area.